One middle-aged man's latest desperate attempt to shed the pounds and return to fitness
Day 39
Published on August 12, 2004 By Peter Attaway In Diet
WEIGHT : 241 pounds (3 pounds lost)
EXERCISE : 17 miles cycling

Right, it's all going Pete Tong. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since Sunday. I've eaten sensibly, good food but in moderation. I've exercised consistantly (except for Tuesday because of torrential rain). Yet, I've managed to gain a pound. This is SO dis-heartening. Perhaps my body just likes being fat? Perhaps my body and brain have had a falling out and are keen to mess each other up. I couldn't believe it on Monday - I'd done my usual 17 mile cycle, plus played an hour of football (mainly in pouring rain). No booze, just nice food in moderation. I stepped up to my abused scales the following day to find I'd gained a pound! So chuffingly unfair. The next day (no exercise) I gained another, but this morning I found I'd managed to scythe that one off. I don't know what my future is - do I really have to exercise every day and eschew booze just to MAINTAIN a weight? What sort of a life is that? Perhaps I ought to give this up and just be a fatty and die at 45? At least I'd have another eight years of fun!

on Aug 12, 2004
I have been following your regimen loosely and I'm sorry to hear that it is not working so well for you. But it is a slow process. Considering the time it took to get out of shape it will still take some time to get in shape.

Hang in there! Do you feel better now when you have started to exersice? What measuring you body instead of using your body weight? My body weight varies quite a lot, over the day and between days. A couple of calipers could be nice if you want to track your bodyfat%.

It is entirely possible that your exercise program is causing muscle growth and an increase in weight. Muscle weighs more than fat.
on Aug 12, 2004
Hi Jelvis

Thanks for your comments. I do FEEL better - I just wish the weight would go! It was working just before my holidays (nine pounds lost) but despite giving up the beer I've GAINED weight! It's so bizarre. Hopefully I'll get some good news soon!

Thanks again, and take care

on Aug 12, 2004
If you feel better it's great!

Do not overdo it, though! If you forsake all the good in life you will only relapse! Let it take time and be happy for the small changes to the better! Nine pounds is impressive and I am sure it shows. Hang in there!
on Aug 12, 2004
I bet you are just gaining muscle from all the working out. I love your blog...i try to watch it regularly!
on Aug 13, 2004
Hey Pal. Just found your blog today. I've been doing a similar thing, and this is what has started to work for me really well.

Monday : 40-60 min cardio (65-75% MHR)
Tuesday : Weight Lifting & 20-25 min cardio (60-65% MHR)
Wednesday: 40-60 min cardio (65-75% MHR)
Thursday : Weight Lifting & 20-25 min cardio (60-65% MHR)
Friday : 40-60 min cardio (65-75% MHR)
Saturday : Weight Lifting & 20-25 min cardio (60-65% MHR)
Sunday : OFF

You shouldn't only look at the scale. You should also calculate and record your body fat, which sometimes is more important. has a pretty good body fat calculator that you can use, but there are many out there. Here is the link

It's also important to drink a lot of water. The more water your drink, the less your body retains, and the cleaner your system is. I try to have about 1 gallon a day.

Now, alcohol should be avoided at all costs, In my opinion, especially on the days you work out. It's pretty much empty calories, which have 0 nutritional value for you.. but I am sure you already know that.. I usually work really hard for 6 days, then on my day off I relax my diet and enjoy myself a little more.

Well, there are my .02cents - I'll keep reading your blog.. You are doing a great so far, keep it up man. Seriously!
on Aug 14, 2004
Hi Bob Lee

Thx for your reply! EXTREMELY useful, I shall now avoid alcohol totally (I haven't had a drink for five days now which i'm really quite proud of) and drink more water, defo!

Keep following my blog to see how I'm getting on!

Cheers and take care!
