WEIGHT : 244 pounds (0 pounds lost)
Well, it's been a while since I posted, and the more observant amongst you will notice I've now fully re-gained the meagre weight I had previously discarded. Reasons? Well, after my week of early starts my system was completely messed up and I ended up very run-down. I was awakening every morning with a sore throat, a raging headache, and a nose ful of crap (urgh!). Whilst I tried to stick to my diet I just wasn't in the mood. It wasn't too drastic (I'm not a big eater as previous started - I've just allowed the weight to creep on over a number of years due to inactivity), but enough to tip the scales again. The good news is I haven't tailed off with the exercise (and my fitness has improved, I'm sure) and my real problem (alcohol) hasn't reared its disfigured head once more.
Anywho, I can salute this day as the day things get back into order once more and off I jolly well go again. I've decided to go on the lo-carb diet that has worked previously. I'm also only going to weight myself and blog once a week (daily weighing is not recommended, allegedly). The rest of my life trundles along contentedly, if you're interested. Speak to ya soon.