One middle-aged man's latest desperate attempt to shed the pounds and return to fitness
Published on September 24, 2004 By Peter Attaway In Diet
WEIGHT : 235 pounds [nine pounds lost]
Hmmm. Well, I've managed to lose nine pounds in ten days on the lo-carb diet. That's the same weight I shifted in a month on my previous diet. Weird, init? I don't expect (and indeed I hope) that this rate of loss doesn't continue! I now await the plateau stage. I'm not sick of the foods yet (basically, meat, salad veg & cheese) but I would murder me own mother for a sandwich. Still, I'm only doing this until November 19th, and am aiming for a weight of 224 pounds (or sixteen stone in English money).

on Sep 24, 2004
Hi again Peter!

Good to see that you are making progress!

Unfortunately IIRC, when you switch to a low-card diet the carbs that are stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver is gradually lost. The glycogen also binds water which adds to your weight. When I tested a low card diet I lost 5kg in 10 days. Have you made any bodyfat measurements to see if that department has improved?