WEIGHT : 234 pounds [ten pounds lost]
So, that's ten pounds lost in fourteen days, thanks to a lo-carb diet. It can't ALL be water, can it? Surely not?? I understand how this thing works - my body, starved of its normal carbohydrate intake, has used the stored carbohydrate, hence reducing the amount of water required to store this carbohydrate, hence reducing the amount of water my body stores. The next stage (allegedly) is that my body no longer has enough carbs to fuel it, so it starts using the stored body fat [which has been stored for body warmth, rather than energy] for fuel. My weight should stall for a while [I don't expect to lose any weight this week] whilst my body makes this switch. Then the weight should reduce at a rate of one to two pounds a weight as my calorific intake has reduced [due to controlling the carbohydrate addiction]. Oh well, that's the theory. I'm still maintaining a high level of activity and a [thankfully] low level of alcohol. My body shape has changed (I've lost a couple of inches off my waist) which is also an indication that weight is being lost. All is good so far. The rest of my life is pretty wonderful at the moment, although the soccer team I coach lost their latest match 7-0!