WEIGHT : 230 pounds [fourteen pounds lost]
Only one pound lost this week, which is expected as due to my damaged ankle my bike has not been as utilised as it could have been. I have now reached the magical "one stone lost" barrier and broken it! Hurrah! I'm sticking to the diet pretty well, although again I had too much alcohol over the weekend. I somehow manage to abstain during the week but once Friday hits it's a case of "gee whizz - tis the weekend, let's settle my butt down on the sofa, tune into the TV, and switch off my brain." And muller a few million brain cells. My ankle is still sore but I'm back cycling to work (despite the huge crapness of England's rail services) and it held up at football last night (I scored my second goal of the season!). I'm debating whether to keep this diet up past my original quit date of Nov 19 as I'm finding it pretty easy-going, and despite the limits of the food you can eat it's not particularily bothering me, plus I'm happy losing gone or two pounds per week. We shall see...